Friday, February 22, 2008

Credit Card Debt Free

One of our biggest goal was to pay off all credit cards. David and I have been paying as much money as we could afford to the credit card companies. We now do NOT have any credit card debt. This is so exciting. We are trying so hard to become debt free- student loans and cars. We have been listening to Dave Ramsey on talk radio. I have also read his book Financial Peace. One of the biggest things I have learned is if we don't have money in the checking account we don't need it. It is always to tempting to put it on a credit card or open a store credit card because you WANT things. We went to go look at furniture for our living room, and they kept asking if we were going to apply for the store's credit card. We now don't even have credit cards. Also something I thought was really neat that Dave suggested is to have 3 to 6 months of income saved up. I hope y'all go and read his book or listen to him. I enjoyed him because he used scriptures in his book.


  1. I'm debt free all but my truck which pays off in November. I have a few things I am paying myself back for (borrowed from savings) but that's it. I am about to buy a house so I will be in debt for that but I that's one of thoes items that (at least starting) off is hard to pay cash for. Same with vehicals. I'm working on doing the same things like saving 3-6 (and even a year) of living expenses so that there is never anything to worry about (or at least less).
    Glad to hear everything is going good!

  2. Yeah it is nice only to have living expenses. Are next item to pay off is my car. Hopefully in August it will be paid off. We have about 5,000 dollars to pay. I heard that you bought a house, congratulations. Have you read Dave Ramsey's book or listen to him? He has a really powerful message. I am glad your doing well. When you come into town again, give David a call.
