Tuesday, November 6, 2012

My (our) 5 year old

I think this post is long over due (it is because when I even begin to think about it and try to face the fact I get so emotional)!

I don't want him to be this old, I want to change the past and wave my magic wand so that he can stay little and not get bigger.

I can remember this conversation like it was yesterday and it actually happened on his birthday. We were driving home from school and I told him that I didn't want him to grow up and he said mom but I have to. I said who is going to take care of you and who is gonna be your mommy. He said mom you...I said what about college he said well you can come with me and he said you will always be my mommy. I said will you always love me he said yes and I said even if you move far away from me he said mom that is enough I don't want to talk about that now! He truly melts my heart and I find myself finding new things I love about him.

Hayden baby boy you are so smart and many times figure things out quickly. You can do a 100 piece puzzle without blinking your eye. You love to work puzzles all around the house. You like to do the same one over and over. You love to leave some unfinished and work on it throughout the week until I can't stand it and you have to clean it up. You have a love for legos. We worked all of the lego sets you got for your birthday that weekend. You are fascinated with animals. You like to know all of the facts about them. Since you started school and you have a memory verse every week and chapel, you tell me about different stories in the bible. Your favorite one right now is about Essau and Jacob. You like for me to look up the verses in the bible that go along with your memory verse. You also like to know what words mean and you are asking all the time what does that mean. You know all of the vowels and can identify which ones make what sounds. Over the past two weeks you have started to sound out words and know when we are not reading a book right. You love your bother and are close to him and you can't wait for him to crawl or walk. You still love and ask for kisses, which I love. You can take a bath by yourself and are Mr. Independent. Baby boy happy birthday (a little late). I hate that you are growing up but at the same time I can't wait to see what the future holds for you.

You weigh 50 pounds and are 48 inches tall. You wear a size 6/7 and have a size 13 wide foot. You can't tie  your shoes yet. You like your back scratched at bedtime. You love fruit of all kind and like carrots with ranch and corn. You will eat just about anything but have your favorites peanut butter and jelly, pizza, and chicken nuggets.

You had a blast at your birthday and you loved all the homemade stuff. It took forever to make but oh so worth it. I made a banner that had dinosaurs and said Happy 5th Birthday Hayden. I make party hats that had dinosaur spikes on the back of them and hot glued a dinosaur to the top of it. You helped me with your goody bags and we traced the dinosaurs pictures and painted them on there. Over the present table I had your name hanging with dinosaurs. I made your cake and had a dinosaur fruit tray. I made something I called a dino dig you helped me put all kinds of goodies in it. It had Oreos, animal crackers, gummy bears, jelly beans, chocolate covered almonds, and white chocolate bones. We rented a jumpy thing and we all had a blast. Aunt Ann and I made you a dinosaur shirt. It was dino themed to the max and you loved every bit of it!!

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