Saturday, April 19, 2008

Going for a Walk

Hayden loves to go for a walk. They are building a lot of new houses around us, so we go around looking at the houses. Hayden just chills. He seems so relaxed. I bought him a new umbrella stroller that reclines and has a basket at the bottom. It is much smaller then the big stroller. It really works well. The only bad thing is that it is to low for David to push. He has to lean over to push Hayden around. We went to Ashley furniture store today. Once again we didn't find anything we liked. I really want to buy furniture with lifetime warranty, only some of their products had that. None of the leather had lifetime warranty. If yall know any furniture stores that have lifetime warranty and are high quality let us know. I think we are going to buy a video camera. David has been researching it so we will see. I think it would be good because then we could You Tube Hayden, which would be so much fun!!


  1. SOOOOOO cute! I love that picture in the stroller!

    Hey, how do you get that first picture at the top of the page so large? I have been trying and trying and I can't figure it out!

  2. Ahhh....he's gettng so big. I can't wait to see him next month. Priscilla
