Friday, April 18, 2008

6 Month Check-up

Man, I can believe my baby boy is 6 months old. That is so CRAZY. Time is flying by so fast. What is really strange is that we are a month shy of living in Midland for a year. Well today Hayden and I went to see Dr. Hart, David was at work. She said he is doing great. He weighs 17.6, the same as 2 weeks ago. He is also 27 inches long. He is in the 75 percentile for length and head circumference. He has always been in the 75 percentile since he was born. So I am guessing he will be a smart and tall kid. He is in the 50 percentile for weight. She said he is developmental right on track. He is sitting, rolling over, attempting to crawl, and putting everything into his mouth. His favorite thing to "eat" is paper. He loves the Sunday paper with all the colorful ads. Yesterday, I was reading the paper and he was laying on the floor playing he rolled over and started to crawl towards the paper. He must of crawled 3 feet to reach it. She also said he could have yogurt and mashed potatoes, but no eggs until a year. We also can't eat 2nd stage foods until 7-8 months old. He is eating 27-35 ounces a day and eats 3 meals (cereal and fruit/veggie). What she also suggested was that I feed him with a sippy cup. She likes all of her babies to be bottle free around 10-12 months old. Which I agree. She said that babies drinking from bottles for a long period of time can develop problems with teeth coming in incorrectly and delayed speech. Since I am also reducing the amount of breastfeeding it would be easier to do sippy cup, instead of bottle then sippy cup. She suggested a frozen bagel to help with the teething and which would allow his teeth to come in. What is weird is that he doesn't have any teeth yet, not even a white dot. She said some babies do not get teeth until they are 12 months old. I also asked her about Autism and shots she said not to worry. He is doing fine. Dr. Hart said now studies are finding that Autism is due to a protein deficiency . What was so cute was I had to go the bathroom so I asked the nurse to hold Hayden. He was laughing and smiling at her. So she asked is he always this happy? Yup, I said I am truly blessed with a calm, easy going boy. Nothing like me, more like his dad. He also got 4 shots. We are done with shots until a year, YES. He cried a little then was okay. I haven't given him any tylenol yet. We will wait and see how he does. We will go back in 3 months for our next check-up. He is sound asleep now.


  1. Hayden gets his love of paper from David. He did the same thing when he was a baby. I miss yall. Hayden sure is a cutie.

  2. Oh my that is so funny. I had no idea. When the doctor was examining him he was pulling and eating the white paper that was on the table. I had to hold Hayden while the doctor pulled it out of his hands.

  3. Brayden didn't get his first tooth until 9 months. It is normal... I am trying to wean Brayden from the bottle right now. He is getting it less, but it is a struggle!
