Thursday, April 3, 2008

National Autisim Day

I am not sure if y'all knew yesterday was National Autism Day. At school we have been trying to get awareness out. We also are letting parents know how much therapy can benefit their child. I have been so busy with that. I am glad it is over, I have room to breathe. The thing that shocked me the most about Autism is the debate over if immunization shots cause Autism. At first I thought it was a fluke, now I am not sure where I stand. The diagnosis of autism has increased tenfold in the last decade. Just when the amount of shots have also increased. It is really shocking that 1 in 150 children will be diagnosed with Autism. Four times more likely in boys. That is one child every 20 minutes, crazy huh? What some of my parents say to me is he was born with it, you could tell something was not right. While on the other hand the others say he reached all developmental stages at the right time and it came out of no where. All this information has really opened my eyes, because of Hayden. Now this has made me change my mind about which graduate program I am going to pursue. I think I am going for my masters in Special Education. I really thought hard about doing speech therapy, but it is way too much work. Although I could have my own practice and set my own schedule. I don't want to be in college for another 3 years going full time. I have applied to UTPB. I am going to start taking classes in the Fall. They have a program where you can save 2,000 dollars if you start in the Summer or Fall and you don't have to take your GRE to be accepted into the Masters program. I am so excited. I can't wait.

1 comment:

  1. Nikki, I am so proud of you. You have accomplished many goals and yet you never seem to amaze me with your talents. I know that Roy would be proud of you as well. I love you !!Mom
