Tuesday, September 9, 2008


We have been pretty busy. Hayden has been grinding his teeth. I have no idea why, but it drives me nuts. We have a dentist appointment in a week, which he needs. We have been not putting Hayden in bed with us. Sometimes we would let him fall asleep in our bed and move him to his bed. Now we hold him until he falls asleep then move put him into his crib. He is getting way to big to keep that up. The last few nights have been rough but hopefully it will get better. We are thinking about making his crib a bed or buying him a bigger bed. For some reason he will sleep on the couch, floor, or our bed but not the crib. David and I have been taking turns getting up with him. Hayden has been going to sleep around 7:30, which means he gets up at 5 or 5:30. David has gotten up with him lately. I have been sleeping in which is nice. Hayden and I have been playing Hide-n-Seek, which he loves. He has gotten really good. It used to take him a while to find me but now he knows where to look. He is starting to show his personality and laugh at stuff that is actually funny. He is also starting to figure stuff out. He knows how to close the doors, open and close the dryer, open the toilet seat lid, and picks up everything and carries it. I had groceries in a sack and he carried it all around the house.

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