Monday, April 6, 2009

Dr. Dr.

We have had a long weekend. Hayden has been so sick. Not to mention we had to go the urgent care center yesterday! Hayden has been sick since Tuesday morning. The good thing is we have been to the doctor 3 times this week. So here is the short version of the story. Hayden has a bad cough which turned in to a running yucky nose, which then drains in his ears to cause an ear infection. Well during all of this he fell at church and hit a table. His eyebrow was cut pretty bad ans it didn't stop bleeding. Around two David and I decided it was stitch time. We weren't sure how deep or bad the cut was. We tried put a band aid and medicine at home. That didn't work because he ripped it off. So we spent two hours there at the urgent care place to get some glue on his eyebrow. He has a bruise and a cut on his eyebrow. Well last night Hayden maybe slept 5 hours compared to his 10. We knew something was wrong but we weren't really sure. The only thing that calmed him down was his David walking with him around the room. Hayden is so heavy at 30 pounds that you can't do that for long. He finally went to sleep at 5 and slept till 7. When I was putting him down for his morning nap I saw green stuff all over the pillow case. I just assumed Hayden wiped his nose there. Nope I was wrong lots of fluid came from his ears. No wondered he didn't want the teething tablets last night it wasn't his teeth it was his ear. It is always the same ear every time. Needless to say I have been staying home with him. David is so busy fencing. I so happy that David has been staying busy and all the bidding is finally paying off. I have updated Picasa for y'all so enjoy but through all of the sickness Hayden did give me a cheese face smile. I hope the new picture puts a smile on your face because I crack up every time I see it. Hayden is also saying funny words now and will repeat the same sounds you make. It is not so cute when he is in trouble.

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