Friday, March 25, 2011

The Season Starts

We have officially started T-Ball. Hayden had his first practice last night. I am pretty sure he has no idea what to do. He can hit the ball when he wants, can catch and throw, but running the bases....he is LOST!!! He has an okay arm for a 3 year old so the stopping and throwing ground balls went really good. He hit a few balls off of the tee. I think the rule is that they don't count if they hit the tee or if it falls near home plate. When it was time to run to first after he hits the ball....he was very confused. He went to go chase his ball. (That is what he does at home). Even after they had base coaches on base telling them where to run it didn't help. I had my camera out and I was zooming in on Hayden at first base and he was telling the coach how old he was and doing some kind of finger trick. I think Hayden enjoyed it and he was very tired after it. We did learn that he doesn't like us "coaching" him out there. I guess his a typical kid....I can remember not listening to my mom when playing basketball...THE COACH knows not PARENTS. I think David and I realized how much we have an affect on Hayden's behavior. We do things in front of Hayden that we don't want him to do (saying bad words, giving each other attitude, the shows we watch, the music we listen to, not using manners....) We left practice on the same page....WE HAVE TO BE THE ROLE MODEL. How Hayden's behaves and acts today will shape him for the rest of his life. We have to get very serious on discipline and praise. Hayden loves to be praised and gets rewards when he does things right...he hates going to time out or going to bed early. We also realized he needs more school structure. He had a routine at home that we pretty much stick to on school nights. We pretty much decide on a private school for him. While we were in St. Louis I download a lot of podcasts. I really have been enjoying and listening to Focus on the has a lot of neat information on how on family life.

Okay y'all know I have been doing this coupon thing for a few weeks now. Last week was my best yet. At CVS I spent 7 bucks out of pocket and got 14.50 to spend there next week. (It is actually Extra Care can use them on just about anything in the store except alcohol, gift cards, and prescriptions). At Walgreen's I spent 10.75 and got 18.50 back in Register Rewards...(they are just like CVS's bucks). So all in all I got paid to shop!!!! Who doesn't like that?

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