Sunday, March 27, 2011

First Game

We had a pretty eventful weekend. Hayden had a game at 9 on Saturday. I had been struggling to find a t-ball shirt that fits him. His t-ball uniform is a youth large. It is so big that the sleeves come down to his wrist and the shirt hangs past his knees. I attempted to find something similar. I spend 3 hours and in 7 different stores and didn't find anything. I got that bright idea that I could just dye it. Yeah after 3 attempts of dying and stirring for an hour and half. I gave up! So I decided that I would just rip the sleeves off and we could just tuck it in. He looked terrible. I felt so bad for he didn't want to wear it either. When we got to the game I looked at the other kids and their shirts were big too. So in the end we made it work. The game was really funny. I think that the coaches and the parents did the majority of the work. Hayden got to bat twice and chased down a ball. The first time he batted he ran after the ball and held it. The coach took the ball and directed him to first base. He is really good at running the bases. Overall it was fun. I enjoyed watching him play. Here are a few pictures from the event.

Today I did my couponing and got some good deals.

I spent 11.00 dollars. Seven of that was spent on the Neutrogena sunscreen. I did really good. I didn't spend any cash at CVS or Walgreens. I used my bucks from the store. I am hoping I can keep rolling my money at these stores that I won't have to pay out of pocket.

I got laundry detergent for cheap. I spent 17 dollars on this, the soap was 2.78.

Kroger is where I spend the most money. In these two pictures I spent 37.00. If you count up how many items I purchased it was 31. That is almost one buck a piece. I thinks that's pretty good!!

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