Wednesday, April 27, 2011


I love the way he talks and the things he comes up with!!

Lately Hayden has been coming up with games that he wants to play. He creates these games and doesn't explain all of the rules and if you are not playing right he will let you know.

The Bike game is where you choose what kind of bike and accessories you want.

The Car game is where you pick what type of car you want but you have to be a dog driving the car.

Restaurant game you decide what you want to eat and then you have to make it....all in the correct order.

His sayings lately are:

Mom you told me to hold your hand when there are cars coming....Mom that's not a car it's a truck!

Mom this is NOT Target.. Target has a T A R G E T and a circle with a dot (the bullseye symbol).

Were going to Old Navy to do some Old Navy old it has OLD in the front.

Mom I want to go to the pet store...I want a new dog bites me (Hayden antagonizes her).

Yes okay I'll go to bed...Wait let me check the time (goes to look at the clock with hands)...Yes hands on the 8. Eight o'clock is my bed time.

Dad I'll go with you there is nothing to be scared of...your not scared of the dark or animals...because I'll protect you.

Mom I don't like living next to woods...there are raccoons out there.

Okay these next videos are of Hayden talking about different toys. Sometimes Hayden leaves off the first letter of a word or says a different letter for it. When he does that we usually try to correct him. So now when I don't understand what he is saying he will break off pieces of a word and tell me to say the pieces and then I have to say it all together the right way.

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