Sunday, May 22, 2011


Sometimes it is very difficult to make change. It doesn't really matter what your changing whether its jobs, lifestyle, or family stuff. I think many times we like to stay where you are comfortable. As many of y'all know the state of Texas is in a huge budget shortfall. That effects me because I am employed by a school district. If you don't live in the Houston area then you might not of heard that there are several school district's letting go teachers. My school district is fortunate not to have that happen. With that being said there are tons of changes being made across the district trying to save every dollar possible. One of changes is that every campus is going to be a Bilingual and GATE (gifted and talented) school. Right now we only have a few campuses that serve these kids, so they are being buses across the district. That means that we will be "losing" teachers at every campus so that we can make room for the Bilingual or GATE teachers need. The teachers that are "leaving" (the extra that have to be moved to make room for the bilingual and gate teachers) will go where teachers have resigned or been transfered. **I hope this is making sense it sounds right in my head**. There will be spots for everyone...they may not get the grade they want but they will have a job. On my campus the last one hired are being moved. There was also a form to fill out if you wanted to be moved. When my principal asked if there was anyone that wanted to be moved I said I did. After talking to him I found out that you weren't guaranteed the grade at the school of your choice. I chose not to fill out the form because I didn't want to get thrown into a grade I didn't want to teach. I told my principal several months ago that I wanted a Special Education job. I went to go talk to the Special Ed Director but there wasn't any VI jobs (what I am going to SFA for) so I figured I would be teaching Kindergarten. I love my kids, the grade, and how much they grow. I hate how there are so many rules, paper work, expectations, drama (with the people I work with), and no accountability. I began looking for other jobs in a different district. I WANTED change. After talking to David and really weighing the pros and cons we decided it would be best if I stayed there. I make more money then any district in the area, I would be able to receive another 1,000 scholarship for next year, and get some of my student loans paid for. So I felt really bummed. I want to go to work and ENJOY everything!! So last week my principal called me in. He started to move teachers around to different grade levels so I figured I was going to be teaching something else. I wasn't to thrilled. He ended offering me something better!!! He asked is I was willing to change campuses to go to a SILC class (students with Autism). I didn't even hesitate to think about it I just said YES!! So it will be a very busy, but enjoyable summer. I will be packing up my old room and moving into something I love and know. I miss Special Ed very much and can't wait to meet my kids. I will be going to my new school late this week or early next week to meet my kiddos. I am EXCITED about the CHANGE. I am a little nervous because it has been awhile since I've taught Special Ed. I am sure it won't take me long to find my "grove". So if you want to help me come set up I won't mind!! Last time it took Amy and I a whole week to get things ready!!!

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