Tuesday, May 24, 2011


I try to take pictures of the things I buy and post how much it costs. I have been forgetting to do this. A lot of people are asking does it really save money? Yes it does. That doesn't mean I won't pay full price for anything. Here are last week pictures.


I spent about 4 dollars and some change. If I did my math right it would have cost me around 30ish dollars. I didn't save my receipts to look it up.


I spent more money here then I usually do. Sunscreen was on sale and we use a ton of it. Sunscreen is something I try to buy name brand. It makes a difference when you get sun burned. I spent around $10.50. It would have cost $35.00.

This was the first time I went to Kroger since they stopped doubling and tripling coupons. I wasn't really "banning" Kroger, but Walmart price matches so there wasn't any reason to go to two store that offer the same price. I spent $1.16. All of the pasta and chips were FREE!! The pasta usually cost a dollar but were on sale for $.50 and then I used a coupon. I only paid for the rice cakes (the were also on sale and I had a coupon but weren't free).

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