Tuesday, October 11, 2011


Oh the joys of morning sickness. I feel terrible ALL THE TIME!! I am constantly getting nauseous. I don't throw up often but my stomach is constantly turning. I also can't take the smell of things...even things I love like bath and body works spray or Hayden's baby soap. The doctor prescribed me some medicine it really helps but when I take it I want to sleep for hours so I rarely take it. Everyone says small meals and eat throughout the day....yeah not working, eating food with ginger, saltine crackers.....yup did it all...no relief. Some days are worse they others. I am trying to piece my day to see if it is something I do at home or work that matters but so far I can't tell. I am hoping that after 12 weeks I will feel better. I did with Hayden. I also tell myself it is so worth being sick...but the positive thinking doesn't help. I just want to feel like my old self. If you know me I am constantly moving and can't sit still that isn't the way it is now! I just want to sit and not to move...not really practical! So all this leads me to thinking that it MIGHT be a girl. I know you shouldn't compare pregnancies but this is totally different from Hayden so not sure what it means. We will wait and see.

Hayden and David are also sick. It sees like allergies season is coming early this year. I took Hayden to the doctor and she said it was severe allergies so we are changing his allergy medicine so I am thinking that will help. He has been so good with being sick. He isn't crabby and doesn't whine. He just goes with the flow. So today I stayed home to make sure he would be a 100% tomorrow.

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