Saturday, January 7, 2012

Whiny One

It is a wonder where your smartness comes from. I know for sure you don't get it from me, see it takes me a long time to get something and still at times I don't think I fully understand a concept. Your dad on the other hand gets things the first time around so your smarty pants mode, I believe is from him (you do have my nose and my smile which I think is the cutest).

So on to the title...Over new years weekend Ava and Laney spent the weekend with us. You began to ask a lot of questions and I really didn't understand why, today it hit me. You asked why do they cry a lot, why do they run to their mom, why can't they do things by their self, why do they sleep with their parents. I really didn't know how to answer because I am not sure. So today when we went for lunch, you went to the play area and there was a boy about a year or so younger than you and you asked all of the same questions about him as Ava and Laney (except for the sleeping part). I said Hayden I really don't know and you had this lost look and then you said he is just a whiny one. I know we really don't put up with whining (I can't take it....) so I am sure when you are whining I say all the time don't be a whiny one. I find it funny that you understand what I mean about whining. I think I need to have a new saying or something...I don't think it is politically correct to tell other kids they are being whiners.

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