Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Ethan update

I always have the best intentions to blog but can never find the time. Yes, I am sure you are sick of me saying there isn't anytime but if there is time, I can't find it! So let me try to back track everything. A few weeks ago Ethan was crying and throwing up a lot which wasn't him so we took him to the ER and he ended up having some kind of virus. When we went for a follow up with his pediatrician. He suggested that he switch to soy formula and I cut out eating dairy products. This made for Ethan's Eczema to not be so bad and made him not spit up so much with every feeding. It has been a big hassle because I have to read ingredients on everything I eat. At his two month check up he weighed 12.6 so he doubled his birth weight in two months. The doctor said he was a chunky kid and not to feed him so much. So we did and he has adjusted fine. He is still such a good baby. No  real schedule yet, except at night. Oh well...he is easy going so he just goes with it. Hayden is such a great big brother. When Ethan got his shots and had band aids on, Hayden was very concerned he kissed his legs and was very gentle. He loves to take pictures of him and make him laugh. He likes to hold him but Ethan moves a lot so it is getting harder.

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