Friday, January 4, 2013

A New Year...

Wow...2012 came and went in a blur. How sweet and wonderful (and at times stressful) 2012 was. As I look back on a what we went through as a family I am grateful and blessed but oh so emotional. I know many people do a top ten list of the year but we had so many things happen that I don't think I could number them because really it was great  year. I hate to think about what was and now what is going to be.

My sweet baby boy was born and has forever changed me. I didn't ever think another lil man could steal my heart as much as Hayden does. I have two sweet boys that are constantly teaching me how to be patient and creative. I wouldn't change the late nights and facts about dinosaur for anything. I enjoy my boys even though at times I find me wanting to pull my hair out or crawl in a hole! I love the smiles the laughs and the heart to heart talks me and Hayden have. I love the memory verses and the crawling to find his mommy.

David's new job...a fresh start. David will always be the out of the box thinker guy. He likes what he does and does it well. He makes me proud and I love all of the stories and the late night phone calls. It is fun to see him light up when he tell me something work related or waiting for the monthly stats to see where he falls.

Our first home...oh so wondering. I love the fact that me and David have worked hard for everything..all of the rewards make it so satisfying. I would have to say that I know going to college and saving is why we are where we are. I enjoy having room to spread out and a house big enough to hold family events.

Hayden learning to ride without training wheels. Man, he wanted to learn how to ride but was kinda scared. Yes...he had a few (okay several) bumps and bruises but he was so proud of himself! He could not believe that he could do it.

Continuing college...yea believe it or not there was about a good month that I was gonna throw in the towel and wait until the kids were older to finish. I really wanted to be done with college by will be ten years since I graduated high school and one of my goals was to have my masters done by 2013. It looks like it is going to happen! I am two classes and a thesis away. I am so excited to be done and reap the rewards. It took a pretty persistent husband who basically told me I had no choice and I was just gonna suck it up and be miserable for a few months. (It was ROUGH...two kids one an infant and a crazy work schedule by David...but my aunt helped A LOT so it wasn't so bad when I finally stopped dreading it).

My  "baby" boy turning 5! I was in a funk the whole day at work and got emotional all day. I really hated it and I miss the younger days with him. He is truly going to challenge me and keep me on my toes. As Ethan gets older I think he is getting jealous because we are oohing and awing over every new milestone and Hayden is getting the short end of the stick. So I have tried to do more with him when Ethan is napping. Hayden at the end of the day you are still my number one...I will always love you!

Ethan on the he is like a spitting image of Hayden. Once Hayden started crawling it was all over! Ethan gets into everything and knows what rooms are what. He loves to crawl into the bathroom and pull himself up on the tub, when the door is closed he will stand at the door and bang it. Ethan started crawling December 13 and started pulling himself up on the 29th. His first words are dada and he loves to be tickled and enjoys funny faces. He loves to play peek a boo with Hayden.

As I look on to what 2013 will bring I hope that I can remember to savory the memories and hold on to them a little longer and if the house if a mess or there isn't a dinner with a decent vegetable my family will be okay!

A few things on my list for 2013 are

Buying so land so the "boys" can play. David desperately wants to live in the country and I love the city! So land is the next best thing. I want the boys to be able to be boys and I love it too...nothing to big but a place for us to spread out and enjoy life.

Not crying on the first day of Kindergarten...just leave it at that!

Not stressing and planning life on the "edge"

Bonding between the "boys"

Finding a balance...home, work, school...

Crafting...I want to do some more crafty things in the house

**I am SO over due to show some pictures of the kids...but the camera is in the tomorrow?

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