Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Back to Work

Yesterday was my first day back for summer school. I got two new kids so now I have 9 kids. I am so busy. It is nice to be back at work and have something to do. When I come home Hayden and I are taking naps. Hayden is doing really well at daycare. I thought since he had been home with us that he would cry for David and I, but he isn't. He has been playing a lot and has been really happy. His teacher says he picks on the girls there. He pulls their hair, steals their toys, and hits them. I hope soon he will understand that he needs to be nice to his friends. I think that it is so funny because he is the biggest one there but not the oldest. David has been busy contacting other companies so we will see what happens. We have been trying to go for a walk every other night. We have been walking at least 2 miles. It has been so hot here. Last week it was in the 100's every day. The only good thing is that there is a breeze.

1 comment:

  1. Just wanted to let you know we're missing you all. I'm glad to hear that you guys are walking in the evenings. We should follow your good example. Stay cool.

