Sunday, November 16, 2008

Christmas Shopping

We have been on the go. David left to go offshore on Thursday. He got back tonight. Since he has left, we have been busy. I hate staying in a house by myself. I get so lonely. On Saturday, Toysrus opened at 7 because they had a great sale. Yall know me, I can't beat a sale. We got there around 8. The store was so busy. There were tons of people filling their carts. I don't think I am looking forward to that. I can't imagine doing that for Hayden in a few years. Hayden threw a huge fit inside the store. I usually let him wonder around the stores and I follow him. Since it was so busy he couldn't. He was screaming and kicking his legs. I was so embarrassed. Needless to say, I checked out and left. I am hating the fits. I usually let him throw a fit and when he is done talk to him. When we got in the car he took a nap. So I am not sure if his tantrum was because he wasn't getting his way or if he was tired. The other day he threw a fit and hit his eye into a table. He has a scratch there now. We went to Chick Fil A for dinner. He loved playing and climbing up the slide. I am so impressed how kid friendly they are. He got a place mat that stuck to the table and board book for a toy. I love how the play area is enclosed, he doesn't get a chance to run off. They even have different activities the kids can do on Tuesday nights. That will be something we will do in the next year. Today we went to Bruce and Vicky's house, that is David's grandpa's brother. Mimi and Pop were passing through so we got to see them. It was nice to have some adult contact this weekend. Pop noticed how much of a Mama's boy Hayden has become. He said he has grown in the last month. I am not sure if I notice it. Hayden took two naps today and went to sleep at 9. I am hoping that it will make him sleep the whole night.

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