Saturday, November 1, 2008


I sit here on Saturday night watching the Texas Tech Texas game. I am so excited we are winning. Texas hasn't been able to convert on third downs. Techs defense is kicking butt. So I have to do a little (lots) of bragging. Although it is only the third quarter, a lot can happen in 25 minutes. Like Texas getting a touchdown and now it is 22-13. I will have to watch and see. David and I are planning on taking Hayden to a Tech football game next year. I think he will love it. Today, we went to the park and played. We also fed the ducks. Hayden loves dirt. I am not sure what his obsession was. There was a gravel dirt track and Hayden kept running over to the track to scatter the dirt and then try to pick it up. When we went to feed the ducks he did the same thing in the sand. He was covered in dirt and dust. His hands were filthy. He loved feeding the ducks. I would give him a piece of bread he would chew it and when he was finished he would throw it to the ducks. It was hilarious watching him eat and try to feed the ducks. He wanted to chase the ducks into the pond. He loved climbing the stairs to the slide. I think most of all he he enjoyed watching the kids play. It was nice to let him run around and its okay for him to be getting into stuff. We didn't do anything last night. Hayden had fun at his Halloween party. He also got bit twice at daycare. Once, for taking and eating someone snack. The second time for stealing a toy. At first, I was pretty aggravated at his teachers for not keeping a better eye on the biter. I then realized that Hayden was aggravating the other kids. I mean yeah, that would be my kid eating someone cookie or taking their toy and running away. We really don't have the concept of sharing down. We are working on it. He does like to take things from you but doesn't really play with them. I think he loves the anticipation of being chased. Many times he will take things from the dishwasher and run and "hide" them. I find spoons and spatulas in the toy box or behind the couch.

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