Monday, December 22, 2008

A Little Better

Hayden is feeling a little better. He slept so well last night. He slept from 8 until 4:30, then had a bottle and went back to sleep. He has been sleeping with me so I can check on him. During the night his left ear ruptured. I didn't notice it until we were at the doctor. There was dried fluid all along his ear. That means that the tubes are doing there job. They are there to help drain fluids in the ear. Anyways, we left for the doctor at 9. The doctor checked him out. The thing that he she was concerned was that he has had fever for a several days (although he didn't have any there). She listened to him and said he was wheezing. There was a lot of drainage in his throat and ears. She sent us to get a chest x-ray, to make sure he didn't have pneumonia. While we were at the hospital we went ahead and did a RSV swab. I got a call this afternoon and everything was negative. Praise God! I am guessing all this is from his the ear infection. We were out all day. We left at 9 and didn't get home until 1:30. Hayden seems to be feeling better. He has played a lot today. I am hoping that he will be better by Christmas. Hayden was helping we wrap presents today. He was so cute! I would write the names on the tag and he would scribbled along the tag and the paper.

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