Saturday, December 13, 2008


Today we went to a Christmas party for work. We had a pretty good time. Hayden was the star a usually. He loved playing outside. There were a lot of little girls there. He would play their "baby". He would climb into the stroller(the one for the dolls) and wait for the girls to push him. I made twice baked potatoes. I forgot how long and time consuming it was. They were so yummy, I loved the skin. We are going to go to church tomorrow. It will be the first time in a long time that we have been as a family. Hayden is going to wear his Christmas outfit. He looks so precious. I bought him some black Converse to match. I was going to buy a pair of black dress shoes. I had a hard time finding wide width. I figured he would get more use out of the Converse then dress shoes. It is hard to believe that he will be 14 months in a few days. He amazes me every day. David and I were talking about how much he has figured out just by watching us. When I am cooking I will let him lick the beater when I am finished. He crawled into the cabinet to get the beat so he could lick it. I guess he wanted me to make something. When I was gathering all of the stuff to be recycled he would help me by finding the plastic bottles since that's what I was sorting. Lately, he has been trying so hard to wear walk in my heels. It is so funny, because they are so big and it is hard to keep his balance.

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