Friday, December 19, 2008

Virus Bug

Poor baby boy. He is so sick. Hayden started with a cough Tuesday afternoon. When he went to bed, he threw up because he was coughing so much. I thought it was allergies or just a cough. So I gave him some medicine and he went to daycare. On Wednesday, when I picked him up they said that he coughed so much that he almost made himself throw up again. So I called his doctor, they couldn't get him in on Wednesday so he had one on Thursday afternoon. He was running a low grade fever so we gave him some Tylenol and then he went to sleep in our bed. In the middle of the night he started crying, he was so hot. I took off his clothes and we checked his temperature. He had 103 fever. He wasn't sleeping really good. So I took the day off and got his appointment changed to an earlier time. The doctor said that he probably has a respiratory virus. He needed to be swabbed for RSV. We would have to go to the hospital for that. I figured since the treatment was breathing treatments that it didn't matter if we knew. I know the signs and symptoms of RSV. I stayed home today and stared Hayden on breathing treatments. He is not feeling good at all. His nose and lips are red from all of the wiping. I am hoping he gets to feeling better by Christmas. On top of all the cold stuff, he started having diarrhea again today. I am glad that I am off for the next two weeks that gives him to to get well again. So pray for him that he gets over all of the junk. David and I and trying to make Hayden comfortable. David has been coming home for a long lunch break and leaving earlier to help me out. It is nice to have a second hand when he is sick. David is now coming down with a cold. It always seems that Hayden and David get sick at the same time. They must pass it between them. They only thing that Hayden loved doing today was playing outside. He and Holly would chase each other. He loves climbing steps. Hayden likes to run through the leaves. I can't wait until we buy a house and the two of them will have so much fun in the backyard. I have a lot of pictures of Hayden that I am going to try to upload this weekend. I will make another post because Santa is coming earlier.

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