Monday, January 5, 2009

Water Baby

Hayden is a water baby. He loves anything to do with water. When he sees Holly's water bowl, he loves to stick his hands in and splash water everywhere. He loves to play in the kitchen sink when I am in there. His favorite thing to do in there is making the water spray everywhere. Tonight in the bath tub he blew bubbles. I can't believe that! If you know anything about kids swimming, blowing bubbles in the water is a hard task to accomplish. Many times they will get scared or suck the water in. I am so proud of him. He was doing it over and over again. He would blow bubbles then crack up laughing. He hates getting out. Many times he will stay in the tub until the water drains and then attempt to climb out. David is usually the bath giver so I miss a lot of these moments. I am going to try to sign Hayden up for swimming lessons. I am hoping that we can get custom ear plugs made for him. He has a really good pair but they aren't made to go swimming in. Only for quick shower and baths. Another cute moment happened with him today. He was climbing on a toy, when he got to the top he said, "WOW". After that he climb down and was talking to me like crazy. I am not sure what he said but he kept pointing to the toy. I figured he was trying to tell me he climb to the top.

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