Thursday, June 25, 2009

Hayden Stories

I love telling little facts and stories about Hayden. Today at school he was being very naughty. He took a toy from a little girl ran to the bathroom opened the door and flushed the toy. I couldn't believe that OUR son could even think of something like this. I am now facing the fact that Hayden is to smart for his own good. I have a feeling that this is just a small battle of what we will face in years to come. He also carried a mat (across the room) to the sink (since his teacher removed the step stool because he kept throwing things into the sink and turning the water on) stood on the mat and put paper towels down to stop up the sink and turned the water on. This all occurred when his teacher was changing diapers. Hayden KNOWS that she is busy so therefore (I believe) he does these things. I was not happy with him. David on the other hand thought it was funny. He is so cute at times too. He loves giving kisses he puckers his lips and makes the kissing sound. He also tries to share his sippy cup with Holly. Hayden had water day at school and loved it. He ran through the sprinkler. He loved throwing balls around too. He ate 4 bowls of pasta for dinner tonight. Pasta is his favorite meal. I found this organic whole wheat pasta at HEB and every time I make it Hayden and David eat a ton of it. I have found organic grapes at Kroger. I am so excited because Hayden loves to eat grapes every time we go grocery shopping. He looks forward to it. Hayden is now wearing 2T clothes. He has belly on him that some of the shirts aren't long enough to cover the belly but the selves are too long. I am planning on taking some pictures of him this weekend. I haven't taking any for a few weeks now. I have gotten lazy.

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