Wednesday, February 2, 2011

100th Day

So yesterday was the 100th day of school for us. We had a blast. It is hard to imagine that 100 days ago was the 1st day of Kindergarten. My kiddos have come a long way. I can't believe that we only have 77 days of school left. The year is flying by. We did lots of crafts and ate a ton of snacks. We spent the majority of the day counting. Today was a crazy day for me. My school lost power 3 times and the water was off the last hour or so. My classroom doesn't have a window so it is pitch black. I had one tiny flashlight. Tomorrow because of the weather we are getting out of school 2 hours earlier. I hope that gets me home in time before all the raining (snow/sleet) starts. Hayden is dying to make snow angles. No idea how he knows what a snow angel is but he makes them on the carpet in the living room. It is too cute!! He wants to see snow. He is dying to go visit papa Dale. Hayden loves to read at night so every night we read 2 or 3 books before he goes to sleep. We have been reading How Does a Dinosaur Get Well Soon. (if you haven't heard of these books they are about what dinosaurs do not do like don't take their medicine, throw tissues on the floor, won't open their mouth at the doctors etc. They have a few about different things). We have read it every night for about 2 weeks now. So this morning he brought me this book when I was getting ready. I thought he was going to ask me to read it, but he didn't. He read the book. (I am guessing he either memorized or used the pictures). I don't really care that he didn't "read" it. You want them to get the idea of how to read. That the print contains a message. I do make him read some words like I, a, no, and dinosaur. He is catching on to things and asks why about 50 times a day. I am now making him figure out why. Today he asked why do I have to wear my jacket and hat. I said why do you think you have to. He said because it is freezing outside. I want him to be able to problem solve. Yesterday was the day to sign up for t-ball. I called Monday afternoon to see what time they closed. (so I could run by there after work). The girl on the phone said they are usually full by noon. So we asked Mimi and Pop if they could sign him up. They did...Thanks!!! So his first game will be on March 26th. He will have practice for an hour once a week. I am glad it is nothing crazy. He will be able to have fun. We need to find him a decent bat. He uses a plastic ball and bat. I think we need to use a real one.

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