Wednesday, March 2, 2011


It has been busy the last few days. I took Hayden to the doctor. He has a cough that won't go away. The doctor said it was an allergy cough. She said for us to put him on Zyrtec once a day. We have been doing that but it doesn't seem any better. Putting him Zyrtec reminded me of the Midland days. He had cough there too. I totally forgot about him being but on allergy medicine at 6 months old. When he was a year old, we took him to get allergy tested. Once we moved to Houston he was better. He wasn't sick all the time. We will try this for 2 weeks if it is not better he will need to be allergy tested. I know there are a few things he is allergic to. I guess now that it is warming up the pollen and stuff is causing all of this. Monday night the boys played baseball outside and we grilled pork chops for dinner. It was such a beautiful evening. Hayden loved it he had so much fun. After his bath he climbed into bed and was out. On Tuesday at work I was helping a few students and when I stood up I was in pain. The right side of my middle back ached. I thought I just got up wrong and on Monday I was carrying and holding Hayden a lot. I figured it was nothing. I took some Advil and figured it would go away, but it didn't. I was up all night, every time I moved or took a deep breathe I was in pain. So I took off today and went to the Chiropractor. He said I had a few problems. It probably started when I was pregnant with Hayden. The weight from that caused my back to come out of alignment. Then my spine started to get holes or dips in them because it was trying to compensate. That cause my middle back to become inflamed and the joints to lock up. He did adjust me and put a shock treatment on me. I was feeling okay when I left. I have to go back on Friday to get the same thing done. I am hoping this will help. I tolerate pain very pretty good. I can remember not taking any medicine after I had Hayden and when I had my wisdom teeth pulled I took one dose. I don't think I felt anything like this. Today I just sat around. I can't sit I don't do well if I have nothing to do. It is driving me nuts. David has been taking care of Hayden and me. I think he was glad to go to work today. I don't know how I am going to teach tomorrow. It will be very interesting. I don't think I have ever sat in my classroom, not even when there is a movie on. Hayden has been so concerned. He has been helpful and always asking "are you okay". He brings me water and says "drink this it will make you feel better" and then pats my cheek. Today after the doctor. I went to CVS. I had coupons to use. I bought 2 things of toothpaste and a new razor for David. I spend $1.48. I can't get over that. I am liking saving money!!

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