Tuesday, March 29, 2011

I Can Read

Well sort of....At night I have been reading to Hayden. When I read I point to the words on the page. Anytime Hayden sees things with words (papers, books, bags, etc.) he reads (makes up what he thinks it should say). It is the so cute. Tonight he was watching Netflix on the Xbox and he thought the batteries were dead in the remote. On the back of the remote it has some words...he got his pointer finger out and "read" if the batteries are dead they need to be changed". When he comes home from school we look over his work and discuss what he did. Today he brought home a paper book. It is called Milo Mouse Sees. I asked him to read it. He got all of it right except the back page which says and the letter Mm! He did really good at looking at the pictures and pointing to the words (two things that my Kindergartners struggle with). Here is a video of him reading the book. (It is a little dark....sorry didn't have any lights on.

On to the news about Texas schools budgets. My district is facing some pretty hard facts in all the budget crisis. I haven't been into the news or listening to what is going on the world but now I am. I think losing millions of dollars has me listening. Please read this. I am not sure who all reads this but if you have a child in school or know people that are teachers and depend on their job please let your voice be heard. This are somethings that I have heard through the rumor mill....

Increase student/teacher ratio
Doing away with Special Programs
Limiting the amount of money need for supplies, tutors, and training

At my school we have already seen some changes major reduction in copies and paper usage. We also have a set amount of money that we use to purchase supplies need for our classrooms. The amount we had last year compared to this year is cut in half.

Please pray for these changes that Texas makes.

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