Wednesday, July 13, 2011


As I am learning how to depend on the Lord, it is something I struggle with. I have to have a plan and I am not "on the fly" kind of person. I have to be prepared for anything. This biggest thing I struggle with is letting go. I can say I will relax but it never really happens. When I started my journey into going back to school it was really a walk of faith. I was hoping and praying that I would get the grant that paid for all of my school. It didn't work out that way at first. When I enrolled I was supposed to pay for EVERYTHING out of pocket. We didn't have any money for this...SO I applied to get the scholarship through school and got that....Whew we were going to be able to pay the first installment. We would some how come up with the rest of the money. At the time we didn't have a clue what that would be. So I relied on faith. As time went by everything fell into place. I was able to get all of my classes paid for and then SFA paid me about $1,500. (all of it grants). I began to do some research about loans. I currently have about $10,000 in student loans. I learned that I can get my loans deferred until I graduate...which saves us money on our monthly budget!! I also learned that after working 5 years in Special Education I can get $17,500, of my students loans paid for!!! Which means I only have 3 more years to pay on student loans. So right now I am getting paid to get my Masters and then I get all of my student loans forgiven. I love how it worked out...Most of all I loved how it didn't work out in my plan but God's. It is a good reminder that my plan doesn't need to work and to TRUST HIM.


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