Thursday, July 14, 2011

Jelly Stone

I said last week that we were going on vacation. We left Friday and came back Sunday. We had a great time. We went camping. I really forgot how time consuming camping is. You have to bring every little thing that you need. I had a training to go to Wednesday and Thursday so I didn't have much time to pack. I sat down and made a list of things we would need. I only forgot two things...oil and avocados. It worked out really was a pretty cheap vacation. We rented a golf cart which helped a lot. We didn't have to do so much walking and toting stuff around. The biggest thing was getting Hayden to the bathroom in time. On Friday, it was hard to get them there fast and then have to wait until there was an open stall. So on Saturday, we made him go every few hours so we wouldn't have to make a mad dash. Friday night the people that were behind us were so loud I don't think they went to bed until around 3 then around 4 David's truck alarm went off. So we didn't get much sleep that first night. Saturday was better, I am not sure if it was because we were so tired. It was really hot so we spent a lot time at the pools. Hayden loved it. I must say this camp ground is really kid friendly....which is something we wanted. There was so much to keep Hayden busy. Friday we went swimming and then came back and ate dinner. Hayden got to roast marshmallows, on a Coleman stove (we are under a fire ban because it hasn't rained so we weren't sure if we could make a fire). He loved it. He didn't get the idea of roasting but he loved eating them. On Saturday we took Hayden to meet Yogi, arts and crafts, the game room, swimming, petting zoo, to the concession stand, and to see a movie. I wanted to get Hayden a souvenir of his first family vacation but figured he would grow out of a T-shirt. So they had ceramics that you could paint. His pieces turned out very interesting...his dump truck is VERY colorful and his dog needed to be repainted so I helped. We went to play games in the game room. Then Hayden took a 3 hour nap. After that we made our way out to the pool. We went on a different bigger slide. I didn't get any was way to hard to watch him and try not to get the camera wet. Man he loved it. He was so excited and smiling the whole time. He didn't even get scared...after David and I were worried about him because it was taking him so long to get down. We went to the petting zoo next. I figured that you would be able to go in the gate but you couldn't they had holes cut out so you could stick your hands in. Hayden wasn't sure about it but when the animals didn't bite him, he would lay his hands flat and let them lick the food out of his hands. It was time to go see Yogi and dance with him. We only did this for a couple of minutes because it was crowded. Then we ate some snacks at the concession stand....Hayden loved the cotton candy. A boy after my own heart!! It was time for dinner. After dinner and smores. We finished the evening with watching Yogi Bear in the golf cart. We had a blast...we are definitely are going to go back, when it gets cooler.

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