Monday, August 22, 2011

Big Boy

As much as I want to say that parenting is easy...(which some days it is) sometimes it's not that much fun. A long time ago (okay...when we lived in Lafayette)...Hayden began the journey of sleeping with us. He was so sick. I can remember he was sick at least 3 times a month, sometimes four. He was such a crab, whiny, and clingy. When David wasn't home (which was A LOT). Hayden slept with me because it was so much easier. David and I had every intention to get him out of our bed. We would start and then we would give in. So this time I put my foot down..(I still find myself laying the law down). David is going to build Hayden a bunk bed so we needed mattress. Hayden has been sleeping on the mattress until David finishes his bed. We went to Target to pick out sheets and made a BIG DEAL. I am proud to say yes, its been hard but so worth it. Hayden never had a problem going to sleep in his room..its the staying in there. He still goes to our room, but I tell him to get back to his bed and he does (with no fit throwing or crying). I just have to tuck him in. I think he enjoys that Holly can sleep in his room. He loves that. He is such a trooper and I am proud of David and I for giving in.

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