Sunday, November 13, 2011

4th Birthday

Oh how I miss my 3 year old...Another year older means another year of accomplishments. I am so proud of what and who my little boy has become. He truly makes me smile and I am not sure how I could live without him. Looking through the pictures made relive all the moments leading up to his birthday. So here is the run down of the day! Hayden doesn't have a concept of how long time is so he kept asking is it time yet can we go!

Here is Laney, Ava, and Hayden before all the party. (In case you've been a cave for awhile Hayden and Ava are so close. He can't really seem to go long without seeing her. They play really well together and have their own games and things they play. I see a future of TROUBLE with them because they stick up for each other. I love how close and how well they've bonded. He has a playmate and friend for life).

It was kind hard to get 3 kids to smile and look at the camera at the same time.

We ate next...which felt like rushing because Hayden was dying to open presents. Hayden had so many things to open. He really didn't look at everything he just unwrapped and moved on. When we got home he opened everything, so it was a big mess. Two weeks ago we finally put everything away and organized it all.

Next was the cake...Now getting the cake there without messing anything up was a disaster. I convinced David to drive and I would hold the cake. Well his driving wasn't all that careful. A few pieces broke off so I had to set them on the cake. The cake took longer then I expected. It was so worth it because Hayden loved his cake. He liked the driver, which he said was him.

I loved the reaction of him listening to everyone sing to him. He got really embarrassed and covered his eyes.

Then when we were clapping he got really exited and happy

At last, he blew out the candles!!

Hayden had a great time and it was so fun to see his reaction to eveything

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