Saturday, November 19, 2011

Baby Pictures

It seems like the weeks of being pregnant are flying by. I can't keep track of how many weeks I am. I am constantly referring to an app on my phone. I am two days shy of being 15 weeks. The good news is that I am past the first trimester and I am not so sick anymore!! I am still tired but I am guessing that it has something to do with me being so busy. We go the 28th for a normal check we will be able to hear the baby's heartbeat. David really wants to keep checking on the heartbeat but I have a feeling that we will be going for the heart sonogram just to make sure. We did play the name game the other day but we didn't decided on anything. Hayden's choice is Diego or Carter (after his best friend at school). Sorry Hayden...but those names won't do. When I was pregnant with Hayden I kept a journal of different things like my symptoms, what I was feeling, and all the doctor reports. I got it out and started reading it and I forgot a lot of stuff. I was really sick with him...something that I didn't remember. I craved the same thing as I do with this one. It is so surprising because I didn't remember any of that. I am glad to know that for sure we are having a boy and so excited about all of the adventures my two boys will have me on. is the real reason you are reading this post is for pictures!

I was 12 weeks along and according to the sonogram lady the baby is the size of a pinky. It is mind blowing that a baby can develop so quickly. The last sonogram was done at 8 weeks and you really couldn't see anything and 4 weeks later, you have....

Now if you let Hayden show you the pictures he will say..You want to see pictures of MY BABY!! Yes, I am the big brother and here is my baby. Now look do you see that (pointing) this is the boy baby's head and you see that on top of his face. It is his hand because he is sucking his thumb. Now this is a big picture of his face. You see his nose? He is a VERY proud big brother and I wouldn't have it any other way!!

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