Monday, January 9, 2012

Couponing again

I have been couponing on and off over Thanksgiving and Christmas, as my stockpile shrinks, I need to start hitting it hard! That is what I did this weekend. I had so much fun! It is kinda like something I can't stop. I look for a coupon for anything. Since are family status will be changing in May I want to stock up things while I can. So here it goes...

HEB-One of my favorites in a long time! I paid 6 bucks ($2 for the fruit) for all of this (there is also 2 packages of frozen yogurt sandwiches that were in the deep freeze that was to much work to get out)! it would have been over $20.00. I love the fact that I got milk for $.66. Hope it's good!! I am thinking I might run and do the deal again and freeze some stuff!!

Walgreens- Paid around $22.00 for $90 worth of products. My favorite is the hand sanitizer, only a buck (good to have when the baby comes and the cheap eye liner).

CVS: This was a great week for me here because of all the baby products. Believe it or not I haven't bought any diaper cream. It hasn't been cheap enough for me to buy so I waited. I was getting worried that I was going to have to pay over a buck for it. Not today, I bought all of the baby products for $.40 a piece, full price they range between 4.50-5.50. We opened our last baby bath soap last week so I knew I didn't have much time.

Overall, I spent $17.00 and it would have cost me $140. I love the free chap stick and the $.99 light bulb.

The Flintstones vitamins were from Target and I spent 3 bucks on those, a dollar a piece, when they are regularly 6 bucks each. I think we will give them a try!

**In case your wondering the diaper stockpile is moving along great. I have sizes newborn to 2 done. I started size 3 but I still need over 1,000 diapers in that size, so it will be awhile until that size is done. I have enough wipes for the first 3-4 months. I need to pick back up and find some wipe deals! I also started buying formula. I have enough formula to feed the baby for 3 months, 8 times a day. I have my receipts saved on the formula in case I need to take them back. I never pay more then 11 cents for a diaper and more then 7 bucks for formula. I have also bought new parts and nipples for the baby bottles, with coupons and money from babys r us. I have begun shopping the sale racks for baby clothes. I think that is a whole different issue, since the baby can only wear Hayden's sleepers and onesizes, everything else will be the wrong season. I need socks, bibs, and burp clothes. I think we ate them, after 3 different searches in the attic and no luck finding the vast amounts we did have, I gave up. I figure we can "splurge" on a few new items! Overall, the preparing and stockpiling for the little one is moving a long great.

Before when I went shopping David would ask how much did you spend, now he asks how much did you save! It is so funny because half the time he doesn't get how things can be free or bought so cheap. He likes the couponing way. He has graciously given up some of his garage and all of his closets (even the one in his office), for me! Gotta love that...

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