Thursday, May 17, 2012

Catch up

Wow...I can't believe a week has gone by since we have been home. It seems that we have been home a lot longer...I am not sure if it is because we are stuck home since I can't drive or that I am busy around the clock. I am getting used to things...yeah I haven't found my grove yet and always strive to have everything done (which includes bath, bed time routines, house picked up, bottles made for the night....) before 9 so I can go to sleep at a decent far so good. If you know me I am a planner and this little guy hasn't picked a schedule yet. Most of the time he eats 3 ounces every 2-3 hours but today out of the blue he drank 6 ounces in 2 hours. Yes, he still sleeps a lot which gives me time to play with Hayden which he enjoys. I can't wait next week, I can drive so we will probably go the the park and library since they are so close. Hayden wants to take care of Ethan but Ethan doesn't enjoy it to much. Hayden forgets all the time how big he is and tries so hard to be gentle. David and I are pretty much sleep deprived but it is so worth it...they are only little for so long. I am enjoying spending time at home and hanging out with my kids. I have started to work on some school stuff with Hayden and it is going good. Overall Hayden plays by himself....I guess he is used to it! He is also a great helper and likes to shadow me...with everything. I don't think I prepared myself for all of the changes around here. I really forgot how much sleep you don't get and how much Hayden still needs me. Although with two boys, I don't think this will be my biggest problem...I am definitely not looking forward to the teenage years!

Here are a few pictures I manged to take this week..

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