Thursday, May 24, 2012

Now What?

As time goes by and I see the kids growing, I wonder what does the future hold for us? As a parent you want the best and try to decided what the best really I began a such for a new school for the kids. At Hayden's old school, he learned so much but he has out grown it. He has been in the same class for two years and if we kept him there it would be three. So David and I decided we needed to do something different..really we wanted to prepare him for Kinder. He is a pretty smart kid...he know the letters and most of the sounds (except u, i, and x), he can count to 50, identify numbers 1-20, put sounds together to make words, and has begun adding (David and him work on this in the bath...they will add toys together). David and my schedule is kinda hectic...I have to be at work early and he goes in late so finding something that would work with both of our schedules was the hardest thing. I really wanted the boys to go to the same school but I struggled with finding a decent Pre-K program that also took infants and wasn't like a daycare. David wanted Hayden to start a private school. I finally found one that would work. I spent a good month or two months reading reviews and doing a lot of internet searches. The school we picked out is about 5 blocks from my job, which is good and bad (I love the fact that I can be there in a flash if I needed to, but hate the fact that is I have a late meeting the boys would have to stay late, before David would pick up Hayden when I had to work late). The school is at a church and they have a private Kinder and Pre-K program, both which use ABEKA curriculum and tie a lot of what the school district does into a lesson. I really love the fact that they have bible time everyday! I am excited about the things Hayden will learn. Hayden has a love for books and can't wait until he can really read and gets to teach himself all the things he wants to know! In Ethan class there is only 5 babies and 2 teachers. I love the small class sizes. We will be going to visit the new school in the next week or so, because Hayden hasn't seen it and it follows the school schedule so it will be closed for the summer. I hope Hayden will be just as excited as I am.

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