Tuesday, July 3, 2012

8 Weeks

I am so sad that today my baby boy is eight weeks old. How fast these weeks have flown by. There has been a lot of adjustment to get used to the eight weeks but, oh so worth it. I can't imagine our family without him. He fits perfectly and reminds me of Hayden. He is so cute and lovable. My favorite thing to do with him is the middle of the night feedings, on most nights! I love the fact that is just me and him and it a quiet time that we share. I feel like Hayden does get time stolen from him. I am trying to find time just spent with him or including him in the everyday things. I think tomorrow, I will attempt to take him and Ethan to the movies. Ethan has his two month check up on Monday. I am wondering how much he weighs. I am guessing around 11 pounds but who knows. Ethan is getting chunky, he has fat checks and neck rolls. It is kinda funny because when he spits up and it drips down his neck you have to lay him down to clean out his neck. He  is such a good baby and only cries if he is hungry or has to burp. He is a really good eater he eats about 30-34 ounces a day. David asked when will he sleep through the night and I tell him he basically does. He gets his last bottle around 8 or 9 and then gets up again around 3. I like that schedule because I get to get a little sleep but my body still gets up every three hours. Ethan is staying awake more and loves to look around. He will smile and coo. He can hold his head up pretty good and starts to suck his fist when he is hungry. I think it is cute when he starts to cry and he sticks out his bottom lip. He loves Hayden is constantly looks or tries to find him. He is a good sleeper, most of the time you can put him in his crib awake and will fall asleep on his own. I have pictures but that will come tomorrow or the next day because my computer is acting a little funny...ugh!

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