Friday, September 7, 2012

4 months

I can't believe that he is 4 months old. I already find myself wanting that time back! Ethan is happy silly baby. He loves kisses on his cheek, when you kiss him he gets the cutest big smile. Oh that smile, how I love it. When he smiles it is so hard not to smile back and laugh. Things that Ethan can do:

1. Sleep through the night. He goes to sleep at about 9 and gets up at about 6. He has been off lately but for a good month it has been like that.

2. Roll he is good and quick. He is also really strong he will kick and move around.

3. Tracks things really well. He is always looking for my voice. He loves to watch Hayden run around and finds him. He then smiles and laughs when Hayden comes close to him.

Ethan weighs 16 pounds, eats 5 ounces every 3 hours, and three bowl of cereal and fruit or a veggie. He wears a size 3 diaper and 6-9 months clothes. He loves baths and likes for you to talk to him and will talk back. He doesn't really cry when he does it is because he has a burp or he has a poopy diaper. He likes to eat his fists and still spits up a ton. He likes to be rocked at bed time and have a pacifier. If you aren't feeding him when he wants he starts talking to you and then it gets louder and louder. He hates loud noise and will cry when he doesn't recognize sounds in the house (the most common one the alarm, I think we ie Hayden and me set it off on a weekly)! Oh baby boy, you are a true joy and the highlight to our crazy hectic lives and so glad you keep us grounded and give me plenty of reasons to smile!!

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